"Rogaining in South Dakota

The Black Hills of South Dakota is the location for the 2014 World Rogaining Championships (WRC) this coming August.  Three previous rogaines attracted competitors from all over the United States and several other countries, but most athletes have not had the opportunity to run the ridges and traverse the forests of this region.

As one of twelve individuals who have competed in all three of the prior events held in Custer State Park some 25 miles (40 KM) from the 2014 WRC area, I would offer a few thoughts and experiences for the 400 plus WRC entrants and those who are thinking about signing up. " 

For more on the ground experience of South Dakota please read the attached article from Bud Laird, Chairman, OUSA Rogaining Committee and Team Over Yawnder.


Editors note 2nd March 2014, 600 places remain available for 2014WRC South Datota - http://peakassurance.net/Registration.html



Download this file (Rogaining in South Dakota, WRC2014.doc)Rogaining in the Black Hills of South Dakota locale for WRC2014[An article about Rogaining in South Dakota by Bud Laird]39 kB