12WRC - South Dakota - Entry Opens 1 Nov. 2013 - Pre Qualified and Preferred Qualified Athlete List

Entry opens for the 12th World Rogaining Championships 2014 this Friday the 1st of November 2013 commencing with Phase One - http://peakassurance.net/12WRC_2014.html


The list of prequalifying events (PQE) for the 12th WRC 2014 in USA

has been completed: http://wrcq.rogaining.cz/events

The list of prequalified entrants is available now:

On Friday November 1 the Phase # 1 of the WRC 2014 entries will be
opened. All the Pre-Qualified Entrants wishing to take advantage from
their Pre-Qualifying Status MUST register during this period (dead
line on Friday November 15).