"04.07.2011 - The 12th edition of the World Rogaining Championships (2014) has been awarded to USA. The event will be hosted by the Black Hills Orienteering Club in South Dakota.

United States of America has been awarded the 12th World Rogaining Championships in an announcement from the International Rogaining Federation. The championships are planned for 16-17 August 2014, and will attract several hundred elite cross-country navigators from all continents. The site selected is the Black Hills of South Dakota in the north central part of the country.
IRF President, Neil Phillips, said that this will be the second time that USA has hosted the World Rogaining Championships following the 6th World Rogaining Championships in 2004 in Arizona. Rogaining in the USA started in 1989 when Bob Reddick organised a 24 hour rogaine east of Seattle, and shortly thereafter, Eric Smith and colleagues led many rogaines in New York state and surrounds in the east of the country. More than half the other states of USA have held rogaining events since. The 12th North American Rogaining Championships were held last year and are rotated between Canada and USA.
IRF Promotion and Development Manager, Alan Mansfield, who leads the whole selection process for World Rogaining Championships, said that the award to USA was fitting given the growth of the sport in so many states, and USA’s long involvement in international rogaining activities."