International Rogaining Federation

Rogaining is the team sport of long distance cross-country navigation. Map reading, teamwork, endurance and strategy are features of the sport.

2016 Czech National Rogaining Championship

The Czech Rogaining Championship was held from July 2nd to July 3rd 2016 in the Orlické mountains. The event centre containing the hash house was situated in Orlické Záhoří, small villlage on the Czech-Polish border.

Total number of rogainers in 24, 12 and 6h categories was 133 split to 65 teams. 125 participants were from the Czech Republic, 4 from Poland and 4 from Germany.

On the race map in scale of 1:50 000 and coloured in traditional hiker’s scheme there had been prepared 69 control points and it was possible to reach up to 4160 points. The best team in the 24-MO category gathered 2850 points.

All results are present on the organizerʼs website:

The event map with team routes (if drawn or uploaded) is available at

And photos

The race was well organised and the hash house situated approximately in the middle of control points offered a very good refreshment to the competitors (e.g. local Czech beer included), so the weatherʼs caprices could have been surmounted with a smile. Fortunately nobody was injured during the race.


Pavla Privoznikova

Czech mountain orienteering national championship (5th-6th November 2016)

Czech championship in mountain orienteering  was held from November 5th to November 6th 2016 in Klíny, Ore mountains, near to Czech-German border. 

The competition is traditionally split to two parts (one part is held on Saturday and one part on Sunday), each with a time limit. This once the limit was 6h30 for both days. On Saturday, the competitors had to overcome two laps: the first one was a free order course (all control points had to be collected), in the second lap, control points were in fixed order.

The 406 participants (399 Czechs, 4 Germans, 3 Slovaks) in 203 teams competed on a map scaled 1:25000 and had to face not only difficult mountain terrain but also the weather: few minutes before the start it stopped raining, but whole Saturday the Ore mountains were covered with fog and temperature was from -1 to 1 celsius. Thanks to organizersʾ forethought there were two refreshment points every day and the competitors could warm themselves drinking a cup of tea with rum (non EU-compliant).

The best teams in main categories needed in both parts more or less 3 hours to get to the finish. Final results are available at the organizerʾs website

Saturday map with team routes (if drawn or uploaded) is available on, Sunday map


Next national rogaining event in the Czech republic will be the 2 laps race named Brutus extreme orienteering, on the weekend of March 18th-19th (6h rogaining on Saturday, 5h rogaining on Sunday) with the event centre in Vizovice (Moravia).

Pavla Privoznikova

10th. Latvian Rogaining Championship

The 10th Latvian Rogaining Championship was held in Ranka, Gulbene municipality, it is about 150 km from Riga, Latvia capital city. Total of 162 teams from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuanian took a part in 24h and 6h rogaine held on July 18-19, 2015.

The start was given near Ranka elementary school built in 1887. 76 checkpoints with total value of 500 were placed on course.

Best team in 24 hour race “ISOSTAR” (Men class - Jānis Krūmiņš and Alberts Jasāns) collected 397 points (59 CPs) in 23h 33min 54sec.  

Full results as well as team route maps are available by clicking on results link.

Competition map.

Links to photos: Māris Stabiņš, Raimonds, Sandra, Aivis Stračinskis, Sandra Lapiņa.

Next rogaine events in Latvia are 4 and 8 hour race Tautas Rogaining on September 27, 2015, and JelgavasRogaining – 6 and 3 hour event on Oktober 17 in Jelgava city. More information about rogaine in Latvia available on site




Rogaining develops your navigational skills, self-reliance, general fitness, and the ability to work in a team.


Rogaining supports and encourages people to develop respect for and enjoyment of rural and forest environments.

International oversight of rogaining

World Rogaining Championships

The World Rogaining Championships (WRC) are the championships of the International Rogaining Federation. As the sport's premier event, the World Rogaining Championships are for the benefit of everyone in the sport: for elite competitors, for organizers, for administrators, and as a meeting focus for rogaining enthusiasts.


The International Rogaining Federation provides the forum to agree on technical facets of rogaining. We maintain a code and rules of Rogaining that govern the World Rogaining Championships and provide the basis for member country rules.

Member Resources

The International Rogaining Federation provides support for member countries organizing events and other developing countries establishing new rogaining associations.

Promote rogaining events

The International Rogaining Federation can include your regional event on our events calendar.