International Rogaining Federation

Rogaining is the team sport of long distance cross-country navigation. Map reading, teamwork, endurance and strategy are features of the sport.

8th European Rogaining Championship 2011 Rauna, Latvia

8th European Rogaining Championships were held 23-24 July 2011 near Rauna in Latvia. The event gathered 282 teams with 603 participants from 17 countries. While the largest representation was from three hard-core European rogaining countries Latvia, Russia and Estonia all represented by over hundred competitors, also represented were Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Belorus, Sweden, Israel, Germany, Netherlands, UK and South Africa.
The course master, WRC bronze medalist in XO category Valters Kaminskis had put on the terrain 79 controls, creating several different route options as evidenced by eventual route choices of teams. The terrain was a mixture of hilly forest, marshes and pastureland. Passability and visibility of the forest was mostly reduced, requiring some careful navigation, in particular during the night. As a skillful rogainer himself, Valters very accurately predicted the speed of top teams the winners score was 95% of the maximum.
In men's open, Estonian teams collected all medals. The overall winners brothers Silver and Rain Eensaar scored 422 points from the maximum of 446. Their lead over the silver medal winners was an impressive 46 points. With this impressive victory they made a strong claim towards the upcoming World Championships in the Czech Republic and Russia. Their previous achievements have been 4th place at 8WRC2008 in Estonia and silver medals at 6ERC2009 in Finland. Erik Aibast and Andreas Kraas scored 376 points and won silver, leaving Karli Lambot, Rait Pallo and Tõnu Lillelaid bronze medal winners from 9WRC2010 New Zealand and 7ERC2010 Ukraine again on bronze.
Mixed open and women's open categories were dominated by Russian teams. Andrey Shvedov and Natalya Abramova scored 362 points and won the XO category (5th place overall), while the best WO team Marina Galkina and Nina Mikheeva collected 303 points (27th place overall).


7th European Rogaining Championships 2010 Migovo, Ukraine


European Rogaining Championships were held on the weekend of 14-15 August 2010 in Ukraine. The race was held in a beautiful foothill area of the Eastern Carpathian mountains at elevations from 450 to 900 meters. The hash house was set up at Migovo ski and tourist resort. The event gathered 265 participants (123 teams) from nine European countries: Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Czech Republic, Belorus, Denmark and France.

Hannu Oja and Seppo Mäkinen from Finland are the new European Rogaining Champions, upgrading from the bronze medal that they won last year at the ERC in Ylläs. Miroslav Seidl and Petr Boranek from the Czech Republic, who have previously twice won the title of European Champions, added silver medals to their collection. Russian mixed team Natalya Abramova and Andrey Shvedov showed the third overall result, winning the XO category.

The race was challenging with daytime temperatures over 30C. The total climb for top teams reached over five kilometers! Fortunately, there were many streams for natural, clean drinking water. The organisers, under the leadership of Efim Shtempler and Victor Skripnik, put in a lot of effort to secure a good quality event. The map was of good quality with well chosen control features to provide a good mix of terrain and allowing great vistas from hilltops.


Download this file (ERC2010.pdf)ERC2010 results[ ]102 kB

Rogaining develops your navigational skills, self-reliance, general fitness, and the ability to work in a team.


Rogaining supports and encourages people to develop respect for and enjoyment of rural and forest environments.

International oversight of rogaining

World Rogaining Championships

The World Rogaining Championships (WRC) are the championships of the International Rogaining Federation. As the sport's premier event, the World Rogaining Championships are for the benefit of everyone in the sport: for elite competitors, for organizers, for administrators, and as a meeting focus for rogaining enthusiasts.


The International Rogaining Federation provides the forum to agree on technical facets of rogaining. We maintain a code and rules of Rogaining that govern the World Rogaining Championships and provide the basis for member country rules.

Member Resources

The International Rogaining Federation provides support for member countries organizing events and other developing countries establishing new rogaining associations.

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